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Perfekt unperfekt : Elaboration und Imperfektion in der Rhetorik des Designs
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Perfekt unperfekt? Auf Hochglanz polierte Gestaltung erscheint uns manchmal distanziert, umgekehrt kann eine rasch hingeworfene Linie oder eine verwackelte Fotografie authentisch wirken. Im Design ist der Ausarbeitungsgrad ein wichtiger Stil- und Wirkungsfaktor. Durch einen rhetorischen Blick verschiebt sich die Frage nach »guter« Gestaltung hin zur Frage nach wirkungsvollem Design: Welcher Elaborationsgrad ist angemessen - relativ zum verfolgten Zweck und Kontext? Annina Schneller entwickelt eine praxisorientierte Rhetorik des Designs, die erstmals Strategien der Elaboration beleuchtet: in der klassischen Rhetorik, in der Grafi kdesigngeschichte und in zwei Anwendungsfeldern der visuellen Kommunikation. Perfektion und Abweichung vom Ideal stehen dabei in einem steten Spannungsverhältnis. The book offers insight into the classical rhetorical strategies of elaboration for researchers interested in rhetoric as well as for designers and artists. The process of elaboration is governed by the tension between the perfect and imperfect, polish and rawness, and by the realization of an ideal or departure from it. The book illustrates this process with regard to the history of graphic design and based on two case studies.

Oficinas e tipógrafos : cultura e quotidiano de trabalho
Year: 2002 Publisher: Lisboa : Etnográfica Press,

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Na década de 1980 a renovação dos meios gráficos chegou finalmente a Portugal. Esta veio transformar um sector que se manteve durante séculos maioritariamente assente na composição e impressão de texto a partir de caracteres móveis tridimensionais em chumbo: a tipografia. Todo um universo sóciotécnico foi então abalado. Nas oficinas a tipografia passou para segundo plano, ultrapassada pela infografia e impressão offset, aguardando o desmantelamento definitivo da tecnologia que fica para a história como a «mãe das artes gráficas». O olhar etnográfico, legado da antropologia social e cultural, levou a autora a lugares onde a tipografia e os tipógrafos se fizeram ouvir até à viragem do século xx para o xxi.

Dalla pagina alla parete : Tipografia futurista e fotomontaggio dada
Year: 2017 Publisher: Florence, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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The volume retraces the influence of futuristic typographic experimentalism on the dada photomontage, investigating the progressive transformation of the alphabetical fragment into an image in the research of the first avant-garde movements. Moreover, it analyses the avant-garde reinterpretation of the neue Typographie in central-east-Europe. From the "Words-in-Freedom" to the Lautgedicht, from the Manifesto Poems to the first photomontages, the role of typography in the affirmation of two postulates of the twentieth-century artistic culture is analysed: the use of the word is the form and the value of the procedure is the meaning of the work. A chronology, commented on by photographic and documentary materials, which also offers the reader an instrument of exegesis in synergy with the critical text, paying particular attention to the testimonies of the Dadaists in the context of the neo-avant-garde movement.

Formes et dispositions du texte théâtral du symbolisme à aujourd'hui : enjeux littéraires, poétiques, scéniques
ISBN: 2848678836 284867654X 9782848676548 Year: 2019 Publisher: Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté,

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Comment écrit-on pour le théâtre ? Ou, plus précisément, comment le texte de théâtre investit-il l'espace de la page ? Comment se dispose-t-il sur le papier ? Quelle forme emprunte-t-il ? L'objectif de ce volume collectif est d'étudier la question de la disposition du texte dramatique sur un large empan, de la fin du XIXe siècle à aujourd'hui, dans ses multiples enjeux. Cette perspective paraît essentielle pour aborder une période extraordinairement riche du théâtre. En dépassant à ses débuts la traditionnelle opposition du vers et de la prose, elle a permis de définir de nouveaux horizons d'écriture - et donc de lecture et de représentation. Actuellement, comme en écho, on ne compte plus les exemples d'auteurs dramatiques qui exploitent, dans l'édition de leurs oeuvres, les possibilités typographiques disponibles avec la généralisation des traitements de texte. L'ouvrage, principalement composé d'études monographiques centrées sur des exemples français, propose un parcours problématisé sur cette riche matière jusque-là peu explorée.

The space between look and read : designing complementary meaning
ISBN: 0262374307 0262374293 0262545470 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press,

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"The Space between Look and Read explores how text, image, and typeface overlap and influence each other"--

Tibetan printing : comparisons, continuities and change
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789004316065 9004316256 900431606X 9789004316256 Year: 2016 Volume: 39 Publisher: Brill

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In Tibetan Printing: Comparisons, Continuities and Change the editors publish the results of the workshop “Printing as an Agent of Change in Tibet and beyond” held at Pembroke College, Cambridge, in November 2013. This is the first study of the social and cultural history of Tibetan book technology that takes materials, living traditions and cross-cultural comparisons into consideration. Bringing together leading experts from different disciplines, it discusses the introduction of printing in Tibetan societies in the context of Asian book cultures with an eye to the questions raised by the study of the European history of printing. This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access. Contributors are: Tim Barrett, Alessandro Boesi, Peter Burke, Michela Clemente, Hildegard Diemberger, Dorje Gyeltsen, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Helmut Eimer, Johan Elverskog, Camillo Formigatti, Imre Galambos, Agnieszka Helman-Wazny, Tomasz Wazny, Sherab Sangpo Kawa, Peter Kornicki, Leonard van der Kuijp, Stefan Larsson, Ben Nourse, Anuradha Pallipurath, Porong Dawa, Paola Ricciardi, Tsering Dawa Sharshon, Sam van Schaik, Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, Marta Sernesi, Pasang Wangdu.

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